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Online Prayer & Praise Opportunities: Text
Taizé in the Desert 9-Year Anniversary
Christ in the Community

Taizé in the Desert 9-Year Anniversary

The 9-Year Anniversary of Taizé in the Desert: An Ecumenical Prayer Service on Friday, June 18, 2021, 7:00pm at Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey. If you pray with us via livestream, we encourage you to create your own sacred space as you seek to observe this hour of prayer. Bring out your own candles for the "Intercessions" portion of the service and cross to venerate during the "Prayer Before the Cross." The song lyrics will appear on the livestream, so feel free to sing and pray them along with us. In case of technical difficulties with the lyrics, you may find a sheet with the song lyrics we will be praying together here: We will update this and other events we have planned with regard to COVID-19 and directives per the Norbertine Community of Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey. Leave the noise of modern life behind for an evening of prayer! Build your relationship with Jesus Christ through song, Scripture, silence and contemplation with our virtual community! This is an ecumenical and interdenominational form of prayer. Taizé is a spirituality that is easy to experience and hard to describe. Invite your friends and family to join in. Taizé is served by the Norbertine Community’s Office of Christian Discipleship & Religious Vocation at Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey. This evening of prayer is held in remembrance of Fr. Graham R. Golden, O. Praem. (1986-2021), beloved priest, son, uncle, brother and friend.
Taizé in the Desert - April 16, 2021
Christ in the Community

Taizé in the Desert - April 16, 2021

Tune in to Taizé in the Desert: An Ecumenical Prayer Service on Friday, April 16, 2021 at 7pm, streaming live from Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey's Church. If you pray with us via livestream, we encourage you to create your own sacred space as you seek to observe this hour of prayer. Bring out your own candles for the "Intercessions" portion of the service and cross to venerate during the "Prayer Before the Cross." The song lyrics will appear on the livestream, so feel free to sing and pray them along with us. In case of technical difficulties with the lyrics, we have provided a sheet with the song lyrics we will be praying together: We will update this and other events we have planned with regard to COVID-19 and directives per the Norbertine Community of Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey. Please know that we continue to pray for the health of you and those you love. Thank you for praying with us, spiritually, virtually, and in person! Leave the noise of modern life behind for an evening of prayer! Build your relationship with Jesus Christ through song, Scripture, silence and contemplation with our virtual community! This is an ecumenical and interdenominational form of prayer. Taizé is a spirituality that is easy to experience and hard to describe. Invite your friends and family to join in. Taizé is served by the Norbertine Community’s Office of Christian Discipleship & Religious Vocation at Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey.
Devotional - The Goodness of Every Friday: Taizé in the Desert, 2021 Lenten Series: From the Ashes
Christ in the Community

Devotional - The Goodness of Every Friday: Taizé in the Desert, 2021 Lenten Series: From the Ashes

Tune in to this devotional opportunity as we observe the Goodness of Every Friday (as outlined by the 1983 Code of Canon Law, specifically Canon 1250), beginning with The Way of the Cross (link below) and continuing with Taizé in the Desert: An Ecumenical Prayer Service on Friday, March 19, 2021 at 7pm, streaming live from Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey's Church. The Way of the Cross: 1983 Code of Canon Law: If you pray with us via livestream, we encourage you to create your own sacred space as you seek to observe this hour of prayer. Bring out your own candles for the "Intercessions" portion of the service. The song lyrics will appear on the livestream, so feel free to sing and pray them along with us. Please know that we continue to pray for the health of you and those you love. Thank you for praying with us, spiritually and virtually! Leave the noise of modern life behind for an evening of prayer! Build your relationship with Jesus Christ through song, Scripture, silence and contemplation with our virtual community! This is an ecumenical and interdenominational form of prayer. Taizé is a spirituality that is easy to experience and hard to describe. Invite your friends and family to join in. Taizé is served by the Norbertine Community’s Office of Christian Discipleship & Religious Vocation at Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey.
Online Prayer & Praise Opportunities: Videos
Come to Christ: A Night of Praise, Worship, and Adoration - February 4, 2021
Christ in the Community

Come to Christ: A Night of Praise, Worship, and Adoration - February 4, 2021

Join us for “Come to Christ: A Night of Praise, Worship, & Adoration” on Thursday, February 4th at 7:00pm via livestream from the Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey Church. We are excited to share that we will be opening up this service to in-person attendance at a limited capacity and on an RSVP basis. If you are feeling well and do not have/have not been in recent contact with anyone who may have COVID-19, click the following link and RSVP via the "RSVP" button that leads to our RSVP FORM ( Fill it out and submit it, and you will receive an email notification regarding our receipt of your RSVP and confirmation of your spot. Please await this notification before you make plans to attend on February 4th. If you wish to attend this event with others, each individual will need to RSVP separately. Depending on the availability of seating, we may or may not be able to allow individuals who do not RSVP to join us in person. *Face masks or coverings are required. The RSVP option is ONLY for individuals who like to participate in this service in person. We will update this and other events we have planned with regard to COVID-19 and directives per the Norbertine Community of Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey. Please know that we continue to pray for the health of you and those you love. Thank you for praying with us, spiritually, virtually, and in person!
Online Prayer & Praise Opportunities: Videos
Online Prayer & Praise Opportunities: Videos
Online Prayer & Praise Opportunities: Videos
Online Prayer & Praise Opportunities: Videos
Online Prayer & Praise Opportunities: Videos
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